I am lost amongst the heather, at sea
in an ocean of dusty fragrant purple. Walking down the coast towards Westleton,
I’ve taken a cut across Dunwich Heath. I
do this walk almost every year as summer tilts into autumn, but somehow I
always lose my way. I’ve arrived at one of the silver sanded tracks that wend
across this luminous landscape, fringed with birch and lime woods. Do I go left or right? The left will take me
back to the visitor centre, which peeks above the Scot’s pine like a cliff top
beacon, and the right will take me towards a place I cannot see.
I’m not going to get it right this year either. I will
plunge myself into a repeat cycle: following the path that goes alongside the
reed beds, getting frustrated, losing time, asking visitors who know the heath
even less than I do, and finally, taking
a risk, I will double back on myself and come across a tall old man with a
scythe cutting bracken, who points out the way.
It turns out I was on the right path all along, just going
in the wrong direction.
Last week my neighbour David Moyse was buried in the local
churchyard. His grandparents once lived in my house, a brick cottage tied to
the local farm. His grandfather was in charge of the horses that ploughed all
the surrounding fields, his father was the village blacksmith. In the church,
listening to his childhood friend Ruth talk about his working life as an
engineer, it sounds like a litany of enterprises that were once intrinsic to
every country neighbourhood: the dairy, the laundry, the school.
For a decade we talked with David over his gate. About the
weather, about flowers, about making wine from rosehips in a bucket. I had
found his leeks one winter dusk on a stall made from an old pram and something
in me felt exultant as if I had suddenly found harbour after a storm. Later we
stood together in defence of the lane against a tourist development, and the action
broke a barrier that sometimes exists between ‘incomers’ and local people with
deep ties to the land.
The following autumn David gave me a bag of his home-growngreen tomatoes, and I made chutney for both our larders. It was the first
direct exchange I made in my new neighbourhood, and the encounter formed the
basis of most of the Transition pieces I then wrote about making ourselves at
home. David gave us wood when he chopped his trees, he lent us his mower when
ours broke down. But most of all he was always there at the top of the lane,
like a guardian of the place, the church steeple keeper and key holder, the
history man of the village. We always waved at each other, as we cycled by. Here we are, here we are!
For years I yearned to return to the countryside I had once
encountered when I was young. For a long time I thought this was a nostalgia
for a summer seaside childhood – an escape to a rural idyll from a cynical city
world. When I came to live in Suffolk I realised it wasn’t a personal longing:
the sparkling sea, the rustling marsh, the big sky, the oak that spread its
arms wide, the scent of marram on a hot July day were all part of my becoming
a real human being. Which is to say a human being who is at home on the Earth.
This wasn’t just about having a relationship with the land. It was also about
recognising the people who were already anchored in the territory.
David was like the country people I knew when I was a child,
who were fierce and yet kindly, who grew cabbages and dahlias in their gardens,
who knew the names of the birds and kept their tools in good order. And
although we were from a different generation and different backgrounds, we
loved the same place.
When he died, it was as if a great ship had been unmoored,
and you could no longer hear its mast stays rattling in the wind. That’s when I
realised at some point you have to become the kind of people you want to see in
the neighbourhood. And perhaps the greatest gift I have gleaned from Transition
is a narrative, a frame of how to become an anchor in a place. A chance to
start again.
Relocalisation has been a task. Because there is a big
restlessness in the world. I am one of millions of disconnected people yearning
to belong, who at the same time, are pulled and pushed by a culture that
demands that everyone moves all the time.
What happens when you stop? What happens when you don’t
leave? What happens if you go to the place where your heart leads you to go,
and are prepared to forego the conveniences and glamour of an urban, consumer-driven

When I first came to the lane I interviewed a man called
John Minahane who had given up his city life to live in the country. He was the
warden of a reserve, rich in salt and freshwater plants.
“You can
make a living here, if you are not proud,” he told me. And though this may be
true of many places, you have to have strong reasons for taking a deliberately
downward step, and something you love to sustain you. For John, this was a
grand vision for a handful of scratch meadows on the curve of the road to
Southwold. He wanted to create a habitat for bitterns. And in the last decade
of his life he did: he helped transform
those fields into reed marshes, that now house otters and water voles, as well
as the shy booming birds he loved.
Looking at the stats it’s clear a lot of us need to take a
downward step if we truly wish to live in a sustainable world. What stops us
are the pleasures of being a visitor, granted by the use of fossil fuels:
holidays, cheap fancy food, the individualistic lives we can control at the
flick of a switch. In harder times, our pride will not help us. But nature
will, if we can access it in our ordinary lives.
For the last six years I’ve been involved in a collective
practice that you can do (almost) for free anywhere: growing veg, saving seeds, living with the seasons,
making plant medicine, walking, wild swimming, foraging, chopping firewood.
Learning to see the working of the universe in the small beauty of everyday
These are not, I’ve learned, add-on skills: these are skills
that signify and embody a different way of being on the planet. In the opening
essay of the latest edition of Dark Mountain, The Focal and the Flask, Tom Smith discusses the difference between
the technology-based world and a human-framed ‘focal’ one – where cultures are built around the
collective focus of a fire. Focal things ‘involve real reconnection with
people, species and landscapes… entail greater involvement, greater work and
knowledge, greater negotiation with others, all often seen as inconveniences in
the narrative of modernity.”
To reverse the destiny of our restless machine-driven world
we need to take up practices that go in another direction entirely. We need to
learn another way of relating to and framing our lives, the practices another
generation knew.
I am sitting beside the last
sunflowers, winnowing tiny brown seeds on a tray. They are the seeds of
asparagus kale: a monumental and handsome brassica that soars six foot into the
air from green-grey leaves. You can eat its tender shoots in Spring like
asparagus – or let it flower in golden sprays beloved by bees. It’s a heritage
variety you can’t buy from a catalogue, but is one day handed to you by a
fellow grower. There are thousands of seeds in these husky pods. Some of them
are finding their way into envelopes to be dispersed this winter.
You can’t take a downswing without the planet’s help, and
how you get that help is not done by pushing buttons or paying money. It is
done the slow way, the hard way, with encounter, with patience, with loss, with
solitude, with exchange. By walking in the opposite direction of restlessness.
By knowing a place deeply and intimately, and not wanting to be anywhere else.
You can’t become a belonger on holiday or at a festival, on a
retreat or at a workshop. You do it by immersing yourself in a neighbourhood
over time, and not moving. And when the romance and nostalgia have blown away
like chaff from these seeds, the territory will reveal itself for what it truly
is. These moments appear like the flash of dragonfly wings, like a shooting
star at dawn, and you need to be alert to recognise them:
“You mean
Minsmere Woods?” the old man said, as he paused with his great scythe. “Well,
if you follow the track over this rise you will find a kissing gate. Go through
the gate, and you will be there.”

thank you for this post Charlotte, I feel a strong affinity with what you have written here, I too have moved from my own town (one of the poor/rich places in the UK) to another country and now feel that same need to live past the glamour of this new place and not move. I also feel a need to support the older generation who will not be here forever and try to continue some of their traditions they practice on the land under their feet. I sometimes feel that their traditions will unfortunately die with them though as many of the younger generation locals have left this place for the cities. The world is moving faster and faster these days and people are becoming more and more transient. I am trying to unplug from 'global' life and plug into the local (which recently meant rationing the internet and buying a typewriter! I am learning the lost art of letter writing again) so thank you once again for your inspiration, your writing inspires me to keep going and recognise what is truly important in life.